NEW - QLD Rental Law Changes / Reforms (Part 1 of 2)

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In this blog we discuss the latest updates for QLD Tenancies (Part 1 of a 2 part series). If you are involved in QLD property, a property manager, a tenant or a landlord, this is for you! 


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Today's topic - it's going to be part one of a two part series on rental law changes & reforms.

So, as we know, you've probably seen this in the media - there's been a lot happening in the Queensland property legislation space, in particular with rental laws. All right, let's kick it off.

So, the Queensland Government is committed to working towards a better renting future for Queenslanders. The priority is to provide a strong, balanced approach, that protects renters and rental property owners, whilst improving stability in the rental market. The Queensland Government is stabilising rents, by reducing rent increase frequency to once a year - from 01 July 23; as an immediate action to address the cost of living pressures for Queensland households and the challenging conditions in Queensland's private rental market.

Limiting rent increase frequency will help improve consumer protections, while Stage Two rental law reforms is progressed to build on the Queensland Government's rental law reform delivered in Stage One. Okay, so what are these stages you ask? 

Stage One, what's happened so far? The Housing Legislation Amendment Act of 2021 amended the Residential Tendencies and Rooming Accommodation Act of 2008, to progress stage one of Queensland's rental law reform.

The amendments delivered rental law reforms to improve safety, security, and certainty for the Queensland rental Market. We're going to break that down into four topics. The first topic we're going to discuss today, and the other three are gonna be in part two.

One - setting minimum housing standards to ensure rental properties in Queensland are safe, secure, and functional.

Two - make it easier for renters to have a pet, which is huge for Queensland. Everyone's got a miniature poodle or something small and fuzzy these days.

Three - ending without ground evictions - providing more certainty about how and when a tenancy can end.

Four - giving renters experiencing domestic and family violence, the right to end their interest in a tenancy with limited liability for end of lease costs.

Okay, so most of these reforms have commenced, with a minimum housing standard set to apply to new tenancies entered from 01 September 23, and to all tenancies from 01 September 24.

This longer transition period for minimum housing standards will support rental property owners to plan and budget for any work required for their rental property to comply with the new legislation. 

Tenants under a residential tenancy will have seven days to complete and return the entry condition report, and tenants and property managers can authorise emergency repairs up to the equivalent of four weeks rent.

Now renters can have confidence their rental property is safe, secure, and functional through the prescribed minimum housing standards - which require:

1 - premises to be weatherproof and structurally sound.

2 - fixtures and fittings to be in good repair and not likely to cause injury.

3 - locks on windows and doors.

4 - the premise to be free of vermin, damp & mold.

5 - privacy coverings, so curtains or shutters.

6 - adequate plumbing and drainage.

7 - functioning kitchen and laundry facilities, where supplied.

So pretty basic stuff, right? That's why they're called the minimum housing standards. Gone are the days (as of 01 September 23) of people living in subpar housing. This is a great move for Queensland. It's good for the landlords, obliging them to keep their property up to scratch. And, exceptional for the tenants - not putting them in a position where they're committed to a lease in a subpar dwelling.

Okay guys, so that's the end of Part One of this Two Part series. Stay tuned next week where we will cover off the other three topics that'll be coming to you via your inbox if you are on our mailing list or otherwise you can find this on social media or our website.

Chat soon.


Queensland Minimum Housing Standards - Property Zest


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