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In this blog we discuss the latest annoucement regarding NZ's in AUS, and the new fasttrack option to allow them to become Aus Citizens, faster! 


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Alright, today's topic. I want to talk to you about a recent announcement regarding our friends from New Zealand.

Now disclaimer, of course, please note all advice is general in nature. Everybody has individual needs and situations, so please do feel free to reach out for specific advices. Alright, let's kick it off. 

Okay, so last month there was an announcement that New Zealanders residing in Australia under a Special Category Visa (444), as of 1st of July this year are going to be eligible to become citizens, instead of permanent residents - so a fast track.

The current process is - first permanent residency and then citizenship, if you've entered the country after 26th of February, 2001. For more specifics, please check with the Home Affairs website for full details as we're not migration experts.


Okay, so New Zealand has long campaigned to change the rules for citizenship between New Zealand and Australia. This came after the Howard Government's changes in 2001, making it tougher for Kiwis to get citizenship within Australia.

Now, these new changes, which will be effective from the 1st of July 2023, mean that New Zealand citizens that have been living in Australia for four years or more, could apply for citizenship without the need to become Permanent Residents first. This was said by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last month. 

All New Zealand citizens holding a Special Category visa for permanent residency will be eligible for citizenship.

Also Kiwis taking up Australian citizenship will still retain their New Zealand citizenship. Australia and New Zealand have an agreement whereby dual citizenship is allowed.

These changes also  that New Zealanders residing in Australia that have children will automatically allow the children to become Australian citizens. This of course, is after the changes on 1st of July this year.

There are around 670,000 New Zealanders living in Australia and about 70,000 Australians living in New Zealand. This is according to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Australian Home Affairs Minister Claire O'Neill, ruled out these changes applying to any other region saying it is a special arrangement only between A nustralia and New Zealand.

So what's the point of all of this? Well, there's a few great reasons. It's creating savings and a fast track solution for New Zealanders in Australia, being able to avoid the Permanent Residency pathway altogether and fast track direct to citizenship.

But what does that actually mean, especially in relation to Queensland property? It's going to save on fees, help give New Zealanders living in Australia a fair go, for owning property and of course getting other clearer benefits - like Australian Foreign Acquirer Duty exemption, Medicare benefits, access to HECS or HELP etc.

If you want to know more, just Google it - there's a whole lot of articles out there guys, but just wanted to give everybody an update that that is coming 1st of July, 2023.

Awesome news for New Zealand. Great news for New Zealanders is staying in Australia, and of course the economy and our property market. 

Thanks guys.




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